Tag: clogging

Tipos de UHMW

Get to know the types of UHMW and know what is the Best option for your company

UHMW is a polyethylene superior to other thermoplastics in terms of abrasion resistance, impact fracture and cracking. Other than that, the product has low friction coefficient, is non-toxic and has excellent chemical resistance. In today’s blog post, we will learn whats types of UHMW are avaliable in the market, understand the technical characteristics of each […]

Silos With Duramaxx

How Duramaxx definitely solved the clogging, saved 450 breakdown hours and increased the tonnes processed by 180.000?

Duramaxx is an abrasion resistant material, higher than the comum UHMW and an exclusive development of Baron. Manufactured from UHMW certified resins with molar mass up to 8,0 million g/mol. Light weight, cheap and deeply wear resistant, the product is indicated to heavy industrial use and can be used in chutes, silos, curbs, spouts and […]

Fale com a Baron
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