April 26 2023 0Comment
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How to Avoid Tipping Truck Overloading

Regardless of the segment in which it operates, truck overturning is one of the biggest concerns for fleet owners. By the way, just search on google to verify that this type of accident happens with a certain frequency.

According to data from the CNT (Confederação Nacional dos Transportes), the number of overturning/overturning of trucks represented 15.8% in 2018, the main reasons being: lack of attention, human factor related to inspection, vehicle defects, overloading and intake of alcohol and/or psychoactive substances. Already in the pandemic, that number grew by about 20 %, a very alarming data.

At the same time that trucks overturned, there were falls involving other vehicles. Therefore, it is essential to know what measures can be taken to avoid tipping a dump truck. Keep reading the article below!

What is a dump truck?

Created to facilitate the transport of materials, the dump truck is a type of vehicle equipped with a bucket at the rear, making it possible to transport a large amount of products, in addition to being able to lift the bodywork so that the transported load can be removed by means of of the action of gravity. Therefore, it is also called a bucket truck.

This type of vehicle is widely used in the construction sector, mainly in earthmoving, demolition and excavation works, in which these vehicles transport excavated material for disposal. In addition, it is used to transport loads of sand, stones, cement, ores, grains, etc.

The body can be found in aluminum, which is great for transporting lighter materials, such as sand, and also in steel, for heavier loads, such as stones, gravel and concrete.

What are the benefits of using a dump truck?

As we have already mentioned, the tipper truck is widely used for the transport of loads. But, do you know what its main advantages are? Check it out below!


Firstly, we can mention the versatility of use as an advantage of this type of vehicle. After all, it features a metal body that holds a large load volume, being able to transport almost all types of dry waste. In addition, the tipper with smaller dimensions can be used in urban operations.

This advantage also allows transporting a large amount of materials in a matter of minutes.

Safety during transport

As it is made up of a rigid metallic structure, the tipper can transport a large amount of items without going over the sides of the bucket, preventing the waste from falling or being blown away by the wind, thus ensuring safer transport.

Ease of loading and unloading

Thirdly, we have agility in the loading and unloading processes. In the loading operation, due to the aid of machines with a large load capacity (loaders), it is possible to deposit a large volume of material on the bodywork in a single time.

Already in the unloading operation, the tipper is quite agile. All you have to do is lift the bodywork, and the action of gravity dumps the material in minutes, without needing the help of machines or workers.

Easy handling

Last but not least, the procedure is carried out using hydraulic systems, which makes handling simple.

What is a truck overturn?

Overturning occurs as a matter of physics, due to the displacement of gravitational force (G force). If you watch Formula 1, you must have heard that the cars can withstand “5 g’s” in curves, while the truck overturns when this force is between 0.4 to 0.6 g’s.

In simpler terms, a truck tipping is when the trailer is thrown to the side, causing the vehicle to become unbalanced to the point of tipping over. This often happens when cornering, but there are also other reasons that cause this accident.

As for dump trucks, overturning can also occur with the truck stopped, during the unloading operation.

How to operate a dump truck safely?

Despite being practical and simple to handle, some safety precautions must be taken:

  • Train truck drivers in accordance with current legislation;
  • Perform periodic maintenance;
  • Do not transport loads above the permitted weight and volume limit;
  • Equally distribute the load in the bucket, to avoid overloading and overturning;
  • Isolate the surrounding area before carrying out the tipping operation;
  • Do not use jerks to release the load;
  • Avoid unloading in places where it is very windy;
  • Do not tip the load with the vehicle in motion;
  • Stay in the truck cabin while unloading;
  • Make sure the lid is open;
  • Dump the transported material in flat and firm places.

What factors can contribute to a truck overturn?

Physics explains trucks overturning. Being tall and heavy, it turns out to be easy to shift the center of gravity. Sudden movements and speed above the signaled during curves are enough to make the truck overturn.

As for buckets, overturning can occur if the driver stops on an inclined floor, lifts the bucket and the lid does not open, or even if only part of the material falls during tipping. Even a low or uncalibrated tire can be a trigger in these cases.

How to avoid dump truck tipping over

Now that you know the reasons that can contribute to a truck overturning, let’s go to the tips to avoid this type of accident. After all, tipping a truck requires a lot of attention.

Talking about traffic on highways, one of the reasons for vehicles to overturn is due to excessive speed when cornering. Therefore, it is important to respect the posted speed limit to avoid accidents. It is recommended to keep the speed 10 km/h less than indicated on the plate.

Also, you need to be extra careful on slippery slopes. Tipping is more common after the rainy season. And of course, avoiding cell phone distractions is also very important to prevent accidents.

It is also important to avoid the extra weight of loads and take care of the distribution of materials in the bucket. Whenever possible, the tipping operation must be carried out on flat and stable land, otherwise the tires may sink in soft soil, causing the truck to overturn.

When tipping, make sure the lid is open. If it is closed, obviously the load will not come out, increasing the risk of tipping over. Never raise the bucket above 46º, as this maximum angle ensures stability on the support base. Is there material left over at the end of the dump? Unload manually or with auxiliary machines!

Avoid carrying out the operation if it is very windy. If any load is stuck to the bodywork, do not perform the famous jerk to make the material go down. Incidentally, the material often sticks to the bucket due to the lack of coating. So, the alternative is to rely on Duramaxx, Baron’s exclusive line of high-performance coatings.

Also, beware of power lines, trees, billboards, and people around the path. Therefore, the ideal is always to unload in open land.

After unloading, do not forget to completely lower the bucket. In the event of an overturn, the driver must remain in the cabin, forcing his body against the back of the seat and holding firmly to the steering wheel to avoid further injuries.

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